We Defend Your Peace Of Mind




Will Malone

Chief Of Finance/Non-Attorney

With over 25 years in the business finance industry Mr. Malone brings a very unique skill set to the financial operations of Absolute Law Group.

Mr. Malone’s early financial career was primarily focused within the Banking/Lending industry. While successfully negotiating and funding over a billion dollars in transactions he became a recognized industry leader. He now brings that skill set to the legal industry which clearly helps to differentiate Absolute Law Group from most all firms of similar size.

In today’s legal industry it is extremely important for Law Firms to have the liquidity it needs to service their clients. At Absolute Law Group Mr. Malone makes sure that the firms finances are such that the best legal decisions for our clients are not based on the firm’s ability to withstand increased financial pressures.

The above makes it possible for our attorneys to act solely on the merits of each individual’s case without the immediate financial pressures that most small size law firms experience.

A solvent Law Firm will usually be able to represent clients at a higher level, with proper financial structuring and advanced planning Absolute Law Group is positioned to do just that, give you great representation at a very fair market rate.

We would be honored at the opportunity to hear about your case and look forward to being your partner in the resolutions and closure of such a stressful matter.

Personal Service, Prompt Attention, Experience and Expertise.

Absolute Law Group was founded for one simple, yet very important reason: to put the interests of our clients first, period. While many firms preach this same message, the interests of the firm and the interests of the client are not always aligned. By comparison, the internal structure of traditional firms is primarily based upon a billable approach and attorneys are rewarded or penalized based upon the same. We are not a billable centered practice; rather, we are a client centered practice and can prove it.

Contact us today for a free 30-minute consultation.

We are in constant communication with our clients to discuss case Absolute Law Group will make sure that your stress level is less because we are involved in your case and care, truly care about the outcome and your interest.

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